Emily Hatfield Hobart papers [microform], 1884-1943.
Related Entities
There are 3 Entities related to this resource.
Hobart, William Kirk
http://n2t.net/ark:/99166/w6v13n72 (person)
Methodist Church (U.S.)
http://n2t.net/ark:/99166/w64j4b24 (corporateBody)
Hobart, Emily Hatfield, 1860-1928.
http://n2t.net/ark:/99166/w65x3sf5 (person)
Emily Hatfield was born on August 14, 1860 and educated at Northwestern University. She married Reverend William M. Hatfield in 1881 and joined him on a Methodist mission to China. The Hobarts lived in Peking for several years, where Mrs. Hobart studied Mandarin in order to better teach women the Christian doctrine. Mrs. Hobart was pregnant for most of her young life and lost several children to prenatal and early childhood complications. She raised to maturity two daughters and two sons. Mrs. H...